Lack of Consultation on Closure of Noranside Condemmed

Kevin issued a statement expressing concern at the apparent total lack of consultation with the local community regarding the proposed closure of Noranside Open Prison.
"Correspondence was apparently hurriedly sent to Angus Council just before the Christmas break regarding the proposed closure of Noranside Open Prison. This short notice is totally inadequate given that the decision is to be made by the Scottish Prison Service Board as early as February 23rd. Surely given the potential impact on the local economy the people living in key communities such as Forfar and Brechin should be actively consulted. It must be realised that not only will prison staff jobs be affected but local traders, businesses and transport providers who provide vital services to the prison.
"What is particularly concerning is that Scottish Government practice as laid out in the Consultation Good Practice Guide is clearly not being observed. The guidance states that at least twelve weeks should be involved for any consultation exercise. In this case, even if the letter sent to Angus Council of 15th December is accepted as starting this process, only ten weeks will have elapsed before the meeting of the board.Given that five of those days were public holidays, more time should be allowed.

"What is clear to me is that no formal meetings appear to have taken place with key local community organisations and the level of consultation with Angus Council has not met Scottish Government deadlines.
"The Scottish Prison Service is clearly accountable for all its actions to Kenny MacAskill, the Justice Minister, and is described as an agency of the Scottish Government, appointed to and accountable to the Scottish Government. So, I am calling on the Minister to explain to the people of Forfar and Angus why the consultation process appears to be so inadequate. To my mind it appears the decision has been made to close Noranside Open Prison and no account has been made of the potentially devastating local impact on the economy of the area."