Praise for Montrose Basin Visitors Centre

Kevin Hutchens outside the Montrose Basin Visitor Centre

Kevin praised the work of the Scottish Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers at its visitor centre in Montrose.

"I was very impressed when I visited the centre yesterday to see the excellent range of information available to visitors.The centre has excellent panoramic views over what must be one of the best places in Scotland to see migrating pink-footed geese, eider, redshank and other wild birds throughout the year.

"I was particularly pleased to see the work being carried out with local schools, colleges, universities and visiting community groups. It was also impressive to see the valuable contribution being made to the centre by volunteers in this European Year of Volunteering.

"Undoubtedly the work of the centre has much to contribute to wildlife tourism and education in Scotland today. Not only is it an important resource for the people of Angus; it can play an important part in attracting visitors from across Britain and the world.

"However its 12,000 visitors could undoubtedly be built upon. I am therefore writing to Mary Dickson, the Chief Executive of First Scotrail, Elaine Holt, the Chief Executive of East Coast mainline to ask if they can promote this gem of the North East via special fares and promotions. If elected as the MSP for the new constituency of Angus North and the Mearns I will continue to endeavour to work alongside the centre and organisations such as the Scottish Wildlife Trust and Angus Council to give the fullest possible promotion to this important resource."

Kevin and optical equipment available to view the Basin's wildlife