Kevin issued a statement to the Montrose Review in reply to the claim by the Liberal Democrat Scottish parliamentary Candidate that 1560 people in Angus will not pay any income tax as a result of the budget.
"Many of these people were not paying income tax before April 6th in any case, but they, and many others, will find that their income is seriously eroded by the increase in VAT, a measure which the Liberal Democrats said they would not support before last years General Election. The average family will be worse off by £450 a year due to this tax rise. Not only will the VAT increase hit shoppers but will also affect many shops and local businesses who find their customers have less money to spend.
"People who are among the lowest paid in Angus will also find that their Housing Benefit is cut. A recent report from Angus Council showed that 2,181 people in Angus will lose an average of £463.39p a year and in Montrose 425 people will lose an average of £453.74p a year under the changes supported by the Liberal Democrats in the UK Government alongside their Tory partners.
"So far from benefiting the local economy the Liberal Democrats will have helped take money out of the pockets of many of the poorest people in society as well as every family in Angus North and Mearns and many local businesses."