Successful lodging of nomination papers

The nomination papers for Kevin  have been successfully lodged with Angus Council in Forfar this week.

Kevin stated, "I am pleased to now be formally accepted as a Scottish Parliamentary Candidate for the Scottish Labour Party to contest the Angus North and Mearns constituency on May 5th. Since being selected earlier this year myself and my campaign team have been very busy getting about the constituency and meeting voters in the major communities of Forfar, Brechin, Montrose and Stonehaven. It is my hope now to get out into some of the other towns and villages in order to meet as many people as possible and hear something of the issues that concern them".

"Given the size and nature of the constituency and the fact it covers the two council areas of Angus and Aberdeenshire it may appear difficult to some people to identify common issues . Nevertheless  there are common themes that are beginning to emerge. For example the need for good communication links is crucial, and it will be vital to ensure the fullest possible promotion is given to the East Coast main rail route and that bus services continue to provide vital links to the area. There is also a need to ensure greater promotion of the tourist potential of the area, for example the Montrose Basin visitors centre is providing a valuable service to birdwatchers and also to local schools and colleges. At present it has visitor numbers of 12,000 a year and it is my belief that more could be done to boost these figures by greater promotion by the major train companies and Visit Scotland".

Kevin visits Donnattor Castle near Stonehaven

"While unemployment varies throughout Angus North and the Mearns it is fair to say that the need for new employment measures and for training opportunities is to the forefront of everybodys mind. There has already been a particular interest in the Scottish Labour Party commitment to offer Apprenticeship places to every suitably qualified sixteen to eighteen year old who wishes to take up such a place. The commitments made in this weeks Business Manifesto are also crucially important, particularly the establishment of  a Scottish Future Jobs Fund that will create real jobs and provide training for 10,000 young people, and others who have been unemployed for 6 months or more and provide upfront and flexible funding for businesses to create those jobs".

"In order to ensure voters have information on what I stand for I will be issuing regular news releases to all the local media and putting them on my website I am particularly keen for voters to communicate issues of concern via the contact page".

"I look forward to the campaign ahead and putting forward the best possible case for the return of a Scottish Labour Party MSP on May 5th, but am particularly looking forward to meeting the many friendly people of Angus North and the Mearns".