Thank You for Your Support

The results of the Angus North and Mearns constituency ballot are:

  1. Nigel Don (SNP) 13,660 votes (54.8%)
  2. Alex Johnstone (Conservative) 6,374 votes (25.6%)
  3. Kevin Hutchens (Scottish Labour) 3,160 votes (12.7%)
  4. Sanjay Samani (Liberal Democrat) 1,726 votes (6.9%)
Turnout: 24,920 (47.4%)

A message about the result from Kevin:

"While it is always true you would like to have won when you stand as a Scottish Parliamentary candidate it is fair to say that on a difficult night for Scottish Labour we did well to hold most of our core vote locally. That is largely down to the hard work of a small group of local party members who helped out. It also owes much to the support of all who helped finance the campaign including my union UNITE, as well as UNISON, CWU and individual donors.

"Most importantly I wish to thank everyone who voted for me and those I met along the election trail. The people of Angus North and Mearns are friendly and warm which makes campaigning locally a pleasure.  I am confident that the Scottish Labour regional list candidates that you have elected: Richard Baker, Jenny Marra and Lewis Macdonald, will work in the best interests of all the people in the North East. 

Best wishes,
Kevin Hutchens."

Vote for Kevin Hutchens and Scottish Labour

On the last day before polling Kevin appreciated the warm friendly welcome and messages of support he had recieved while campaiging.

"I have enjoyed meeting many friendly and warm people across the constituency and hearing support for Scottish Labour. I have been privileged to meet key organisations and people in the community and voluntary sector.

"What has particularly impressed me is the wide range of people who support Scottish Labour - including former Liberal Democrats voting Scottish Labour for the first time.

"The choice is clear in Angus North and Mearns: the SNP stand for separation and economic uncertainty whilst Scottish Labour is a strong party who will stand up to the Tory-led government at Westminster."

Please vote Kevin Hutchens, your Scottish Labour Party candidate for Angus North and Mearns. On the North East Scotland regional list, vote for the Scottish Labour Party. The polls are open from 7am to 10pm on May 5th 2011.Thank you.