Kevin committed to retaining Police numbers

Following on from a statement issued by the Liberal Democrats, published in local papers on the subject of policy on the Police, Kevin issued the following statement.
"The Scottish Labour Party is committed to the principle and the practice of a Safer Scotland. It guarantees to ensure there will be no cuts to Police on the beat and to protect frontline Police and Police numbers, with the priority being on getting more Police officers out in communities, rather than stuck behind a desk.
"Scottish Labour also has a clear policy commitment to deliver a single Police force for Scotland. However measures will be taken to make sure that local accountability continues where it exists already or is strengthened. The same principle will also apply to the development of a single Fire and Rescue service.
"Through such measures savings will be made, for example there will be a reduction in the number of senior officers and consequently in the significant levels of bonus that are paid out. This will in turn release finance for front line operations.
"If elected as the Scottish Labour Party MSP for Angus North and Mearns I will work with Tayside and Grampian Police to ensure that all the good practice they have developed in local community policing and crime prevention is not only retained, but strengthened and work to ensure that all good practice is shared throughout the new force area."