Local candidates sign mental health pledge

As part of Scottish Labours campaign in Angus North and the Mearns, local Scottish Labour candidates made a visit to the SAMH project in Montrose.
Pictured from left to right are Richard Baker and Jenny Marra, Scottish Labour list candidates for North East Scotland, William Campbell, Scottish Labour candidate for Angus South, Kevin Hutchens. All have signed the SAMH pledge to support Mental Health.
Kevin stated, "We were very impressed with the dedication and commitment of the Scottish Association for Mental Health team in Montrose, and were very pleased to hear of their work throughout Angus. It was also helpful to hear of the many concerns of the staff and the people with poor mental health they provide a service to. In particular it was concerning to hear of how debt, money problems and job insecurity were often a cause of poor mental health. Clearly SAMH deserves the fullest of support in its work in Angus and throughout Scotland."