Thank You for Your Support

The results of the Angus North and Mearns constituency ballot are:

  1. Nigel Don (SNP) 13,660 votes (54.8%)
  2. Alex Johnstone (Conservative) 6,374 votes (25.6%)
  3. Kevin Hutchens (Scottish Labour) 3,160 votes (12.7%)
  4. Sanjay Samani (Liberal Democrat) 1,726 votes (6.9%)
Turnout: 24,920 (47.4%)

A message about the result from Kevin:

"While it is always true you would like to have won when you stand as a Scottish Parliamentary candidate it is fair to say that on a difficult night for Scottish Labour we did well to hold most of our core vote locally. That is largely down to the hard work of a small group of local party members who helped out. It also owes much to the support of all who helped finance the campaign including my union UNITE, as well as UNISON, CWU and individual donors.

"Most importantly I wish to thank everyone who voted for me and those I met along the election trail. The people of Angus North and Mearns are friendly and warm which makes campaigning locally a pleasure.  I am confident that the Scottish Labour regional list candidates that you have elected: Richard Baker, Jenny Marra and Lewis Macdonald, will work in the best interests of all the people in the North East. 

Best wishes,
Kevin Hutchens."

Vote for Kevin Hutchens and Scottish Labour

On the last day before polling Kevin appreciated the warm friendly welcome and messages of support he had recieved while campaiging.

"I have enjoyed meeting many friendly and warm people across the constituency and hearing support for Scottish Labour. I have been privileged to meet key organisations and people in the community and voluntary sector.

"What has particularly impressed me is the wide range of people who support Scottish Labour - including former Liberal Democrats voting Scottish Labour for the first time.

"The choice is clear in Angus North and Mearns: the SNP stand for separation and economic uncertainty whilst Scottish Labour is a strong party who will stand up to the Tory-led government at Westminster."

Please vote Kevin Hutchens, your Scottish Labour Party candidate for Angus North and Mearns. On the North East Scotland regional list, vote for the Scottish Labour Party. The polls are open from 7am to 10pm on May 5th 2011.Thank you.

Kevin supports Robin Hood tax

On his recent visit to Montrose David Martin, Labour MEP for Scotland campaigned in favour of a Robin Hood Tax, a nominal tax on investments that could help alleviate poverty in developing nations. Kevin was pleased to support the campaign in a personal capacity.

Kevin signs David Martin's petition
"This is an excellent campaign that has the support of the European Parliament Labour Party and major charities such as Oxfam. Given the recent financial crisis it is only right that investors pay this small Robin Hood Tax in order to help developing nations across the world" said Kevin as he signed the petition outside RBS in Montrose High Street.

MEP learns about importance of Montrose Basin

Kevin met David Martin, Labour Party MEP for Scotland at the Montrose Basin bird hides last week and told him about the important contribution of local volunteers to maintaining this important habitat.
Kevin, with Lesley McMahon, Scottish Labour North East Scotland list candidate and David Martin MEP
Kevin Hutchens stated "The Montrose Basin is a rich and varied habitat for birds from acros Scotland and contributes much to the biodiversity of the nation. That it is succesfully managed is largely due to the valuable contribution of local volunteers many of whom are linked into to the Scottish Wildlife Trust. I wish them every success for the future."
"If elected as the MSP I will ensure that I maintain contact with this important organisation and work alongside it to promote wildlife tourism in a sustainable way."

Kevin committed to retaining Police numbers

Following on from a statement issued by the Liberal Democrats, published in local papers on the subject of policy on the Police, Kevin issued the following statement.
"The Scottish Labour Party is committed to the principle and the practice of a Safer Scotland. It guarantees to ensure there will be no cuts to Police on the beat and to protect frontline Police and Police numbers, with the priority being on getting more Police officers out in communities, rather than stuck behind a desk.
"Scottish Labour also has a clear policy commitment to deliver a single Police force for Scotland. However measures will be taken to make sure that local accountability continues where it exists already or is strengthened. The same principle will also apply to the development of a single Fire and Rescue service.
"Through such measures savings will be made, for example there will be a reduction in the number of senior officers and consequently in the significant levels of bonus that are paid out. This will in turn release finance for front line operations.
"If elected as the Scottish Labour Party MSP for Angus North and Mearns I will work with Tayside and Grampian Police to ensure that all the good practice they have developed in local community policing and crime prevention is not only retained, but strengthened and work to ensure that all good practice is shared throughout the new force area."

Local candidates sign mental health pledge

As part of Scottish Labours campaign in Angus North and the Mearns, local Scottish Labour candidates made a visit to the SAMH project in Montrose.
Pictured from left to right are Richard Baker and Jenny Marra, Scottish Labour list candidates for North East Scotland, William Campbell, Scottish Labour candidate for Angus South, Kevin Hutchens. All have signed the SAMH pledge to support Mental Health.
Kevin stated, "We were very impressed with the dedication and commitment of the Scottish Association for Mental Health team in Montrose, and were very pleased to hear of their work throughout Angus. It was also helpful to hear of the many concerns of the staff and the people with poor mental health they provide a service to. In particular it was concerning to hear of how debt, money problems and job insecurity were often a cause of poor mental health. Clearly SAMH deserves the fullest of support in its work in Angus and throughout Scotland."

Scottish Labour Manifesto has much for constituency

In a statement issued today Kevin welcomed the Scottish Labour Party Manifesto as having much to offer to the constituency.

"Fighting for what really matters puts forward a vision that is relevant to all of this beautiful and varied area, from Forfar in the north through to Stonehaven in the south there is much of relevance. Unemployment and lack of job security is a key issue for many people in the area, with recent news of job losses in Forfar being very much in the headlines. Consequently the key commitments to pursue growth, more jobs and the creation of more businesses is relevant to everybody."

"One of the key pledges is to guarantee an apprenticeship to every suitably qualified young person who wants one. Within this a key priority is to develop new skills in the workforce ,particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering, maths and tourism. This will be particularly of benefit to the energy and tourist industry locally. New areas that will be developed include that of renewable energy where it is vital that young people in the workforce are prepared for a new era of green jobs. I have already been in early discussions with Montrose Port Authority and Sainsbury's as to how this might be made a reality and will be discussing this commitment with other employers in the area over the coming weeks."

"Another commitment that is of particular relevance to the constituency relates to tourism. Tourism is both a cornerstone of the local economy and a huge opportunity for growth and development. We must not allow tough economic times to halt the pace of progress. I will therefore work with all involved in the tourist industry locally to boost its voice and promote its development. Of particular welcome is the manifesto commitment to reduce the duplication between Scottish Enterprise and Visit Scotland by making Visit Scotland the lead organisation on tourism development. Many people come to Scotland for big events, like the forthcoming Commonwealth Games, but do not always take advantage of the opportunities to see more of Scotland while they are here. That is why I am particularly pleased that Visit Scotland and Event Scotland will be tasked with delivering a "See more of Scotland" campaign for event visitors. If elected as a Scottish Labour Party MSP for Angus North and the Mearns I will work with the local tourism industry to ensure that all the excellent quality attractions in the community are given the best possible publicity through this initiative."

"The need for affordable housing is relevant as ever to all of the people of Angus North and the Mearns. In the north the housing market is particularly affected by the high prices that have emerged as a result of the Oil industry, while in Angus the waiting lists show that there is a great need to move developments forward particularly in the area of affordable rented housing. That is why it is crucial that Scottish Labour is given the opportunity to prioritise funding for housing and to develop alternative forms of finance, including the establishment of an infrastructure fund to encourage private developers and ensure more house are built to satisfy demand. It will also be welcomed locally that Scottish Labour is committed to ensure that both Housing Associations and Housing co-operatives receive a stable level of subsidy so as they can fulfil their roles as core providers of affordable housing alongside local authorities."