Congratulations to Local Parents

Kevin wrote to the Montrose Review in response to news that a local action group was formed by parents and neighbours around Garrison Road Park to improve the area. Kevin previously wrote to the Montrose Review and Police after discarded needles were found in the park. 

Dear Editor,

I am writing to congratulate the local parents and their good neighbours who have taken the initiative of getting together to deal with the need to deal with drug dealers and clean up the area around Garrison Road and Annat Road in Montrose. Could I also pass on my thanks to Inspector Gordon Cryle for the way he is responding to my request for action as reported in your letters page, but more importantly the call for action by the local community.

By such working together crime can be defeated in our community.
I wish the action group and Tayside Police every success in dealing with the scourge of drugs on our streets.

Kevin Hutchens, 
Scottish Labour Party Scottish Parliament Candidate for Angus North and the Mearns, Stonehaven

Call for Coordination of Bus Services

Following campaigning in Stonehaven Market Square Kevin issued a statement calling for better coordination of bus services between Stonehaven and Montrose:
"I spoke to several people at Stonehaven bus station about the quality and the frequency of buses to and from Stonehaven. We also asked about people's views on the free bus pass scheme. There was a high level of satisfaction with the off peak bus pass scheme introduced by the Scottish Labour Government in 2002. Several people indicated that it was a great help in getting out into the community, shopping and keeping contact with relatives. This must surely be one of the most endearing reminders of a successful initiative made possible by the creation of the Scottish Parliament by Donald Dewar.
"In terms of comments on the bus services locally there was some praise for the politeness and courtesy of staff and for the range of services. However there was some criticism that at times during the day when two operators provide a service between Stonehaven and Montrose there appeared to be some duplication. For example during the afternoon period in the week there is often only a five minute gap between services provided by the two providers Stagecoach and  MW Nicoll, this is surely not in the best interests of the passengers who would rather have a service once every half hour.
"This is surely a problem caused by deregulation as introduced by the Tory Party. In order to highlight this problem I am writing to the Chief Executives of both Aberdeenshire and Angus Council asking that in such situations they find ways of bringing transport providers together to coordinate services as in a time of relative austerity it is vital that both the public and the private sector work together for the benefit of the community to provide the best of services."

Kevin Supports the 'Show Bigotry the Red Card' Campaign

Kevin met former footballer Jim Duffy, a panellist for the discussion
Kevin issued a statement today praising the 'Show Bigotry the Red Card' campaign and its role in Scotland today.

"I attended an event held at the Dens last night in which the campaign promoted its excellent DVD 'Rivals not Enemies' which captures the experience and views of fans, footballers, young people and actress Elaine C. Smith on sectarianism in Scotland. This was followed by an excellent debate and discussion with football supporters and a wide range of other organisations and individuals concerned with community relations.

Kevin shows his support
"Praise was expressed for the many aspects of the campaign, in particular its valuable work with young people. I was particularly interested to hear of their work with prisoners and urged them to consider working with Open Prisons that specialise in rehabilitation work such as Noranside. There was however a clear view that while sectarianism existed in Scotland it was not perceived as a major issue in the North East. Other issues also need to be dealt with including racism and religious discrimination.

"One concern is that reported crime figures do not clearly identify sectarian related crime, which may be masked by other categories of crime. There is also a need to work with the British Transport Police to deal with sectarianism incidents involving football supporters on trains. I have therefore written to Show Bigotry the Red Card and the British Transport Police urging them to work together on this issue, both to identify the incidence of sectarianism and to find new ways of working together to promote the message of 'Rivals not Enemies'."

'Show Bigotry the Red Card' campaign is run by the Scottish organisers of the long running 'Show Racism the Red Card' campaign and is aimed at tackling sectarianism in football.  

Lack of Consultation on Closure of Noranside Condemmed

Kevin issued a statement expressing concern at the apparent total lack of consultation with the local community regarding the proposed closure of Noranside Open Prison.
"Correspondence was apparently hurriedly sent to Angus Council just before the Christmas break regarding the proposed closure of Noranside Open Prison. This short notice is totally inadequate given that the decision is to be made by the Scottish Prison Service Board as early as February 23rd. Surely given the potential impact on the local economy the people living in key communities such as Forfar and Brechin should be actively consulted. It must be realised that not only will prison staff jobs be affected but local traders, businesses and transport providers who provide vital services to the prison.
"What is particularly concerning is that Scottish Government practice as laid out in the Consultation Good Practice Guide is clearly not being observed. The guidance states that at least twelve weeks should be involved for any consultation exercise. In this case, even if the letter sent to Angus Council of 15th December is accepted as starting this process, only ten weeks will have elapsed before the meeting of the board.Given that five of those days were public holidays, more time should be allowed.

"What is clear to me is that no formal meetings appear to have taken place with key local community organisations and the level of consultation with Angus Council has not met Scottish Government deadlines.
"The Scottish Prison Service is clearly accountable for all its actions to Kenny MacAskill, the Justice Minister, and is described as an agency of the Scottish Government, appointed to and accountable to the Scottish Government. So, I am calling on the Minister to explain to the people of Forfar and Angus why the consultation process appears to be so inadequate. To my mind it appears the decision has been made to close Noranside Open Prison and no account has been made of the potentially devastating local impact on the economy of the area."

Kevin visits Forfar Guide Dog Training Centre

Kevin and trainers: Emma, Lynsey and Sarah with dogs in training
Kevin visited the Guide Dog Training Centre in Forfar this week and praised the work of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

"I was very impressed with the dedication, commitment and professionalism of all the staff at the centre in their work. They help train guide dogs to enable blind and partially sighted people to find their way around the communities we live in.

"I was also pleased to hear of the important work of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association to improve access, by working alongside blind and partially sighted people for equal rights including access to services, transport, freedom and mobility. Such work deserves the fullest of support and I will work to involve such organisations in the development of policy and practical initiatives to improve access for all."

Praise for Forfar Academy's work with the Holocaust Education Trust

Kevin wrote to the Forfar Dispatch to praise the work of Forfar Academy with the Holocaust Education Trust. 

Dear Editor,

I was pleased to read in the school notes from Forfar Academy in the Forfar Dispatch of the excellent work being carried out by pupils and staff in Forfar, the North East of Scotland and also in the international community.

In particular I was very pleased to see that the Academy is continuing its commitment to working with the Holocaust Education Trust and its visits to Auschwitz. Such work is not only a reminder of some of the most awful events in history but is also an important way of emphasising the importance of human rights for all.

It is my hope that in a time of cuts in public expenditure such vital work can continue for many years. Sadly human rights abuses were not just a product of the pre second world war and second world war years, but were also a product of the political extremism of Nazism. Even more sadly in more recent years human rights abuses have continued in Rwanda, Cambodia and Bosnia.

Hopefully through the retelling of the events of the Holocaust a better world can be worked for, for all.

I wish Abbie Carnegie, Karlene Douglas and all the pupils and staff of Forfar Academy all the best in their efforts to promote the need for human rights for all.

Kevin Highlights the Work of Early Cooperators in Brechin

Kevin visits Co-op Plaque in Brechin
In a statement issued today by Kevin, he called for greater recognition for the work of early cooperators in Brechin.

"2012 sees the International Year of Co-operatives and planning is still underway for this important year. It is crucial that such years are given the fullest of support and recognition, and likewise that the vital role of early cooperators is remembered. 

"I am writing to the City of Brechin and District Community Council, the Chief Executive of Angus Council and Co-operatives UK asking that ways be found to celebrate the important role of Brechin in Co-operative history. 

"Clearly the role of the early pioneers needs to be recognised and much will be gained by the people of Brechin by celebrating their achievements.

"It may merit being a specialist area of study by local schools, or even be the subject of a play.Certainly it also deserves being put in the context of other developments in the history of cooperation such as the Rochdale pioneers and the model village at New Lanark."

The Commemorative Plaque in Brechin city centre reads:
Brechin United Co-operative Society Limited
1833 - 1933
Erected by the Co-operators of Brechin and District in their centenary year in commemoration of the pioneers who founded this movement in this city.
"The builded better than they knew."

Alex Johnstone Scaremongering over Bervie Braes Remediation

In a statement issued today Kevin Hutchens, Scottish Labour Party Scottish Parliamentary Candidate for Angus North and the Mearns raised concerns that Alex Johnstone, MSP, might be scaremongering over the effect a change in administration in Holyrood might have on the Bervie Braes remediation project:
"On the one hand, he seems to suggest that the £2 million already allocated by the Scottish Government is unlikely to be withdraw. He then goes on to suggest that a change of government after the 5th of May is a distinct possibility and that the alternative government has made it clear that its priorities lie in west central Scotland so that as a consequence the work must be commenced soon.What he appears to be saying without explicitly stating it is that the funding might just be under threat.
"I am clear in my mind that Scottish Labour has no intention of cancelling such vital work. It would be extremely unusual for such to happen given that contracts will, no doubt, be in the process of completion and Aberdeenshire Council are committed to completing the work as soon as possible.

"What I am convinced of, as someone who lives in Stonehaven and regularly walks along the Bervie Braes, is that the necessary remediation work is long overdue. I would urge Aberdeenshire Council to ensure the work is carried out as soon as possible before any heavy rains cause further movement on the slopes above housing in Stonehaven.
"I look forward to Alex Johnstone's predictions of a possible return of a Scottish Labour Party administration to the Scottish Parliament in May becoming true and wish his prediction every success. On this point I can agree with him. However I cannot agree that such would mean priority being given to West Central Scotland as I have not seen this in any Scottish Labour Party policy statement, and as a member of the Scottish Policy Forum of the Scottish Labour Party I have never heard such a suggestion made in the two years I have been a member of that forum.

"If anything it is the Tories who are damaging the North East of Scotland, by working with their Liberal Democrat partners in Westminster to create a situation in which Aberdeenshire are having to cut vital services too deep and too soon."

Campaign in Montrose for Scottish Labour

Kevin, John and Bridget Campaigning in Montrose

Kevin was out campaigning in Montrose at the weekend with his team.

He stated "The response from the people of Montrose was very friendly and positive. We particularly focused on issues of concern to local people including the economy and the need for more Apprenticeships and a Living Wage. I look forward to meeting more people in the constituency in the weeks ahead."

Call for Clarity Over Noranside Decision Making

In a statement issued today, Kevin called for clarity from the Scottish Government as to who was ultimately responsible for any decision regarding the proposed closure of Noranside Open Prison:

"I have great sympathy for the case being put by the Prison Officers Association and I wish them well in their representations to the Scottish Government to save Noranside. However I remain concerned at the apparent lack of clarity regarding the decision making process.

"It appears from recent reports that the Scottish National Party representatives in Forfar see all the responsibility for the decision regarding Noranside as resting with the Scottish Prison Service and its board. However this does not account for the fact that the Scottish Government are clearly looking for savings of £104 million on the prisons budget through what are described as 'efficiency savings'. Neither does it account for the fact that the board of the Scottish Prisons Service are not only appointed by Kenny MacAskill, the Justice Secretary, but are ultimately accountable to him, indeed on their website they describe themselves as an agency of the Scottish Government.

"What I am particularly concerned about is that in all this discussion about the possibility of the closure of Noranside I have seen no evidence of an economic impact assessment being carried out. Surely it must be realised that the closure of this facility would have an impact on the local community and indeed on elsewhere in the North East. It must surely be the responsibility of the Scottish Government to make itself aware of these issues and prepare support for the local community accordingly.

"I am therefore writing to Kenny MacAskill asking for a full audit trail of how the decision making process is being dealt with regarding Noranside and to provide evidence of any economic impact assessment that may have taken place.

"I feel sure that while the SNP may wish to deny responsibility if Noranside is closed they will want to take all the praise as the Scottish Government if it is saved."

Praise for Montrose Basin Visitors Centre

Kevin Hutchens outside the Montrose Basin Visitor Centre

Kevin praised the work of the Scottish Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers at its visitor centre in Montrose.

"I was very impressed when I visited the centre yesterday to see the excellent range of information available to visitors.The centre has excellent panoramic views over what must be one of the best places in Scotland to see migrating pink-footed geese, eider, redshank and other wild birds throughout the year.

"I was particularly pleased to see the work being carried out with local schools, colleges, universities and visiting community groups. It was also impressive to see the valuable contribution being made to the centre by volunteers in this European Year of Volunteering.

"Undoubtedly the work of the centre has much to contribute to wildlife tourism and education in Scotland today. Not only is it an important resource for the people of Angus; it can play an important part in attracting visitors from across Britain and the world.

"However its 12,000 visitors could undoubtedly be built upon. I am therefore writing to Mary Dickson, the Chief Executive of First Scotrail, Elaine Holt, the Chief Executive of East Coast mainline to ask if they can promote this gem of the North East via special fares and promotions. If elected as the MSP for the new constituency of Angus North and the Mearns I will continue to endeavour to work alongside the centre and organisations such as the Scottish Wildlife Trust and Angus Council to give the fullest possible promotion to this important resource."

Kevin and optical equipment available to view the Basin's wildlife