Kevin responds to tax claim

Kevin issued a statement to the Montrose Review in reply to the claim by the Liberal Democrat Scottish parliamentary Candidate that 1560 people in Angus will not pay any income tax as a result of the budget.

"Many of these people were not paying income tax before April 6th in any case, but they, and many others, will find that their income is seriously eroded by the increase in VAT, a measure which the Liberal Democrats said they would not support before last years General Election. The average family will be worse off by £450 a year due to this tax rise. Not only will the VAT increase hit shoppers but will also affect many shops and local businesses who find their customers have less money to spend.

"People who are among the lowest paid in Angus will also find that their Housing Benefit is cut. A recent report from Angus Council showed that 2,181 people in Angus will lose an average of £463.39p a year and in Montrose 425 people will lose an average of £453.74p a year under the changes supported by the Liberal Democrats in the UK Government alongside their Tory partners.

"So far from benefiting the local economy the Liberal Democrats will have helped take money out of the pockets of many of the poorest people in society as well as every family in Angus North and Mearns and many local businesses."

Born to lead

In a statement produced ahead of the programme Born to Lead Kevin  expressed concern at the reports that visually impaired people might lose out unfairly in the planned cuts in public services.

"What particularly concerns me about many of the cuts that are planned or have taken place to date in Scotland is that they have not been adequately equality impact assesed. For example while the SNP Scottish Government produced an Equality Impact Assesment of their budget proposals they did not list the organisations representing the interests of people with disabilities they had consulted.

"It concerns me that because of this failure to adequately consult people with disabilities the cuts will hit even harder on groups that are seen as being in a minority in the population such as people who are blind. Thus it is not fully realised how such groups of people are being excluded from society by the cuts and in the process denied the opportunity to contribute to society and to the economy.

"Scottish Labour meanwhile has clearly championed the cause of traditionally excluded groups who are small in number. For example at its conference in Glasgow Johann Lamont, the Deputy Leader of the Scottish Labour Party announced that companions of deaf blind people would qualify for free travel on public transport.

Kevin visiting the Guide Dog centre in Forfar
"For my part as a Scottish Parliamentary Candidate for the Scottish Labour Party I have visited the Guide Dog training centre at Forfar and familiarised myself with many of the access issues facing  people who are visually impaired or blind. I would urge all politicians to take a responsible attitude towards such groups of people who although small in number are often some of the most vulnerable and easily excluded in society. It is therefore crucial that organisations such as the RNIB and the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association are fully involved in the development of policy's that impact on the life and mobility of the people they represent."

Kevin Secures Shadow Transport Commitment on Laurencekirk Junction

Following a fringe event on transport at the Scottish Labour Party Conference, Kevin secured a commitment from Charlie Gordon, Scottish Labour's Transport spokesperson to the Laurencekirk flyover project.

Kevin said:
"I spoke strongly in a meeting with Charlie Gordon about the clear safety and traffic management case for the Laurencekirk flyover. He had already noted with interest the review that had been called for by the SNP Government. While noting this could cause delay, he vowed that if he become an MSP again and was given the job of Transport Minister in a Scottish Labour Government that he would speedily deal with the results of the report.

"Charlie Gordon agreed that if he was given the job of Transport Minister he would give the report of the review his utmost attention. However he noted with some concern that the SNP had created a major funding problem by agreeing to go ahead with the new Forth Bridge crossing project. This would mean that he would have to look at new solutions to funding such projects as the Laurencekirk flyover, namely the development of new funding partnerships or the use of new borrowing powers under Calman."
Kevin Hutchens went on to say:
"I was very pleased that Charlie Gordon gave a clear commitment to pursuing the Laurencekirk flyover project in this way. Clearly he sees the urgency of dealing with the report of the review without delay." 

Successful lodging of nomination papers

The nomination papers for Kevin  have been successfully lodged with Angus Council in Forfar this week.

Kevin stated, "I am pleased to now be formally accepted as a Scottish Parliamentary Candidate for the Scottish Labour Party to contest the Angus North and Mearns constituency on May 5th. Since being selected earlier this year myself and my campaign team have been very busy getting about the constituency and meeting voters in the major communities of Forfar, Brechin, Montrose and Stonehaven. It is my hope now to get out into some of the other towns and villages in order to meet as many people as possible and hear something of the issues that concern them".

"Given the size and nature of the constituency and the fact it covers the two council areas of Angus and Aberdeenshire it may appear difficult to some people to identify common issues . Nevertheless  there are common themes that are beginning to emerge. For example the need for good communication links is crucial, and it will be vital to ensure the fullest possible promotion is given to the East Coast main rail route and that bus services continue to provide vital links to the area. There is also a need to ensure greater promotion of the tourist potential of the area, for example the Montrose Basin visitors centre is providing a valuable service to birdwatchers and also to local schools and colleges. At present it has visitor numbers of 12,000 a year and it is my belief that more could be done to boost these figures by greater promotion by the major train companies and Visit Scotland".

Kevin visits Donnattor Castle near Stonehaven

"While unemployment varies throughout Angus North and the Mearns it is fair to say that the need for new employment measures and for training opportunities is to the forefront of everybodys mind. There has already been a particular interest in the Scottish Labour Party commitment to offer Apprenticeship places to every suitably qualified sixteen to eighteen year old who wishes to take up such a place. The commitments made in this weeks Business Manifesto are also crucially important, particularly the establishment of  a Scottish Future Jobs Fund that will create real jobs and provide training for 10,000 young people, and others who have been unemployed for 6 months or more and provide upfront and flexible funding for businesses to create those jobs".

"In order to ensure voters have information on what I stand for I will be issuing regular news releases to all the local media and putting them on my website I am particularly keen for voters to communicate issues of concern via the contact page".

"I look forward to the campaign ahead and putting forward the best possible case for the return of a Scottish Labour Party MSP on May 5th, but am particularly looking forward to meeting the many friendly people of Angus North and the Mearns".

Local Economy and Jobs subject of Conference Speech by Kevin

Kevin's speech recognises value of tourism locally (Dunnotar Castle)

At the Scottish Labour Party Conference in Glasgow on Saturday 19th March, Kevin addressed the conference on the importance of Scottish Labours commitments to Angus North and Mearns.

"The Scottish Labour Party is the only major party in Scotland to have a clear commitment to continuing the work of the Agricultural Wages Board and to promoting both the National Minimum Wage and the work of the Gangmaster Licensing Authority. This is particularly important to the many migrant workers who make a crucial contribution to the rural economy. Many of these workers are often not in a Trade Union, and the support offered by Scottish Labour is crucial to ensure they get a full and adequate remuneration for their work.

"Another commitment of which I am particularly proud is to an Apprenticeship place for every sixteen to eighteen year old who is suitably qualified and wants a place. Following a meeting with Chief Executive of the Montrose Port Authority, John Paterson, several companies at the Montrose Port have been identified who could potentially offer places under this scheme. Such discussions need to be built upon and I would progress these if elected as MSP in May.

"Scottish Labour has also committed itself to making every job a green job. Again Montrose Port has much to offer. As a key hub in the transport network of the North Sea it can offer a link with offshore wind farms and their servicing in the future. It also serves as a vital link in metal recycling across Europe and such roles could be built upon by a Scottish Labour administration in Holyrood, as could greening of public sector jobs in both Aberdeenshire and Angus.

"Scottish Labour also has a commitment to promoting tourism, and could do much to promote Angus North and the Mearns, from the remoteness of Glen Esk to the historic castle at Forfar, to the importance of early experiments in Co-operatives in Brechin, to Montrose Basin and Stonehaven's Dunnotar Castle, all of whom have so much to offer."

In concluding his speech Kevin Hutchens stated ;-

"Scottish Labour is the only major political party in Scotland to bring all these commitments together. It is the only party that will stand up for migrant workers rights, prioritise green jobs, promote apprenticeships for all suitably qualified 16-18 year olds and give the fullest promotion of the beauty of Scotland and its rich heritage and culture. That is why I am proud to be standing for Scottish Labour and urging all the people of Angus North and the Mearns to return a Scottish Labour Party MSP on May 5th."

Kevin made his speech extolling the importance of these commitments to the people of Angus North and the Mearns to a packed Glasgow Science Centre with over a thousand delegates and representatives present, including Trade Unions, Socialist Societies and representatives of individual Labour Party constituencies from across Scotland.

Labour Demands a Fairer Deal for Motorists

Kevin has called for the VAT increase by the Tory-led government to be reversed and the annual fuel duty rise to be looked at. He said that motorists in the constituency and across Scotland deserve a fairer deal and that the cost of running a car had become ridiculously expensive.

The Tories' VAT increase has added nearly three pence to the price of a litre of petrol and the fuel duty rise in April is set to make things worse. Kevin said:  "Motorists that I speak to in Angus North and the Mearns feel like they are getting a raw deal every time they go to the pumps because the cost of running a car had become ridiculously expensive.

"The Tories' VAT increase has added nearly three pence to the price of a litre of petrol and the fuel duty rise in April is set to make things worse."

Kevin stated:

"I want to see a fairer deal for drivers because the rise in the cost of fuel is causing real hardship for people who are already feeling the pinch in these difficult financial times.
"The Tories have actually made the situation worse by increasing VAT to 20 per cent, adding nearly three pence to the price of a litre of petrol. I want to see the Chancellor George Osborne reverse this tax rise.
"The Government should also look again at the annual fuel duty rise, which is due in May. The Treasury is getting £800m extra from the banks and they should use this to help motorists."

"Come on you Reds!" says Kevin

Today Kevin congratulated Brechin City Football Club on keeping the last four dream alive after drawing with St Johnstone.
"It was a great achievement for Brechin City FC's part timers to secure a draw against St Johnstone last weekend. But a greater achievement will be secured if they win away from home next Tuesday and secure a place in the semi finals.
"Although the club are playing away from home there is only one thing to be said in encouragement as they play for victory: 'Come on you Reds!' and do Brechin proud as I am sure you will."

Call for Recognition of Brechin Cooperators in Major UK Study

Kevin has called for the fullest recognition to be given to the achievements of the Brechin Cooperators in a major UK study and publication being undertaken by researchers into the history of Co-operative Business.

"Once I  heard that this major study was underway I contacted one of the researchers at The University of Liverpool, Rachael Vorberg-Rugh and made her aware of what I knew of the importance of the Brechin United Co-operative Society and its important role in the early years of the development of Co-operatives. In many ways the Brechin pioneers are as important in modern history as Robert Owen and his achievements at New Lanark and the Rochdale Pioneers. I felt it was important they received due recognition in a major study of the history of Co-operatives being started in the lead up to the International Year of Co-operatives in 2012.

"I am pleased to say that the research team were happy to take these issues on board and consequently now have information about the records held in the National Library in Scotland. It is great to know that such a major study will be considering the vital part that Brechin has played in modern history."

Rachael Vorberg-Rugh, Research Assistant, Co-operative Business History Project, University of Liverpool said "While most histories of the co-operative movement begin with the work of the Rochdale Pioneers, it is crucial to acknowledge the people who founded co-operatives in communities across the UK at the start of the nineteenth century. Early experiments with co-operation such as those in Brechin were essential to developing and spreading co-operative ideas and practices, and deserve the fullest recognition."

Kevin said "I look forward to seeing the completed study in 2013, but also hope that some local celebration of the achievements of the Brechin Co-operators might take place during the International Year of Co-operatives in 2012."

Local Community should be Involved in Noranside Decision

In a statement issued today Kevin expressed concern at the suggestion that an incoming Justice Minister should purely be asked to rubberstamp any proposals put forward by the Scottish Prison Service for the future of Noranside Open Prison:

"In Angus alone 36 people are employed at Noranside and at least twenty six companies are involved in providing contracts to the prison, with a further fourty three companies being involved locally in providing services to the prison. Clearly Noranside has played an important role in the local economy and community and its future deserves the widest possible debate with community and business organisations.

"Even if the decision of the review team is to retain Noranside the community should be involved in discussing how best to utilise the services it can provide to the local area, be it in land reclamation projects, the development of nature trails or other vital community service. Whatever is decided, a sustainable way forward needs to be found in the best interests of all.

"While I am pleased that Kenny MacAskill, MSP, the Justice Minister, has called for a mini review I still have to see genuine evidence of plans for community involvement in the consultation process. What also concerns me is that Nigel Ironside, the Deputy Director of Prisons has said to me that he will only carry out a full impact assessment on the local economy and community once a decision is made.
"There is still much room for debate and discussion with the communities of Forfar, Brechin and Angus. Any case for retention or closure should clearly not be made in isolation as much could be gained from the genuine involvement of all of the local community."

Brechin Achieves Fairtrade City Status

Kevin and Reverend Mumford celebrate Brechin's Fairtrade status
Kevin attended the official Fairtrade City presentation to Brechin on Saturday 5th March at St. Andrew's Church Hall in Brechin.

He said: "It is a great achievement and great credit to all of the people of Brechin that the Cathedral City of Brechin has secured Fairtrade status. By backing Fairtrade the people of Brechin have established a positive and productive link with developing nations that must surely be to the benefit of all.

"Particular praise and thanks must be given to Reverend Mumford and all the members of the steering group who I wish well, not only in this successful award, but in maintaining the award for many years to come."